Amy and David McKinstry's Ancestors

The McKinstry family Bible.
In the old days paper was scarce, so
they recorded important events
in the family Bible.


T.J. McKinstry May 16th 1864.
Winnie McCune January 30, 1885
Married July 2nd 1903.
Raymond McKinstry July 13, 1905.
Elmer McKinstry July 18, 1907.
Robert McKinstry February 23, 1912.
Harold McKinstry Feb. 7, 1915
Helen Hanora McKinstry Born June 18th 1917.
Rachel Bernice McKinstry Born May 20th 1920

T. J. McKinstry Died Oct 15 - 1924
W. M. McKinstry Died Nov 15 - 1941

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