Amy and David McKinstry's Ancestors

Winnie McCune

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Winnie McCune McKinstry's Obit

A McKinstry Connection to Lake Sallateeska

Winnie McCune
Born 1/30/1885
Died 11/15/1941

Robert McCune
Sept 9, 1853 - May 26, 1928

Married May 2, 1878

No picture available.

Rachael Smith
Dec 28, 1860 - Feb 16, 1891
Died in childbirth with Lyman

Robert McCune's parents were
James McCowan and Mary Fox

They came to America from Ireland separately.  (The name was later changed to McCune.  It was also spelled McGowan.)  I think people back then were not as fussy about grammar and spelling.

Mary Fox

Robert McCune

Robert McCune married Rachel Smith May 2, 1878.  To them were born;
    One or maybe two infants who did not survive.  Sorry, the records are hazy.
     Winnie McCune (featured on this page)
     Alta McCune Oct 18, 1887 - May 17, 1952
     Robert Lyman.  Feb 16, 1891 - Nov 14, 1913
Rachel died in childbirth with Lyman.

Robert McCune then married Mary Isabel Neimeyer ("Bell").  April 16, 1872 - March 28, 1945.
They were married Sept 24, 1891.  To them were born.
     Harry McCune March 23, 1893 - May 26, 1893
     Annie Viva McCune April 26, 1894 - July 21, 1980
     Lily Edna McCune ("Edna") Dec 10, 1848 - 1987
     Mildred Berly McCune July 30, 1901 - Dec 27, 1988
     Elza Lawrence McCune Jan 4, 1905 - March 30, 1983
     William Virgil McCune ("Bill") April 4, 1907 -
        Bill was quite a story-teller.  He could tell a tale about a
        dead horse lying in the woods,
        and everybody would be rolling in the floor laughing.
     Earl Spenser McCune July 16, 1911 - June 15, 1983